I woke up a bit earlier than usual, to enjoy another walk through Asakusa. This time around, all the shops were open and the streets were busy with tourists by 8:30. I wanted to commemorate the lovely first day I had in Asakusa and get some souvenirs since it was my last day in Tokyo. I was so busy the previous days, that I took some time to rest and got hotcakes for breakfast from McDonald's. I enjoyed the air conditioning and worked on my blog again!
I ended up spending so much time at McDonald's, I went for a walk through some side streets and picked up a few souvenirs. By around 11AM, I was bored. Then I remembered I wanted to visit the owner of Tokyo Ryokan who had been such a great help when planning my trip. (I booked an overnight ferry at his recommendation.) So I navigated toward Tokyo Ryokan and found one of the owners, Kenichi san. He told me stories from our previous trip in 2016 and treated me to lunch!
The website I relied on when booking in Tokyo is www.tokyoryokan.com and I highly encourage everyone to take a look!
I'm off to Osaka tomorrow, so I packed up some of my extra things to send to my friend Sawa's house, where I'll be staying for the weekend.
Finally recharged, I tried to find one last tourist destination that I hadn't seen yet. I wanted to walk a little longer so I searched for the Tokyo Tower. It was an hour and a half long walk. No way! So I jumped on the train and made my way over.
On the way to the tower, I found a temple!
Here are the Ojizo sama, the guardians of children. Click here to read more.
I took the train then walked home the long way for some extra steps! Then I had Yakitori chicken skewers from a small shop near my hostel.